Bereaved Donors

FAQ for bereaved milk donors

“I fondly remember, as I would express Bryson’s milk every couple hours around the clock, feeling an overwhelming comfort and closeness to him. It was truly an expression of love!  I had not expected this blessing in disguise. However, I discovered that love is all about the action, not the potential. The ability to love is placed inert into our hearts, but it only becomes real when one takes action and gives it away. My grief was so immense because I had an abundance of love for my angels, which they were unable to receive. As our legacy continues, I am increasingly inspired to share this love in remembrance of my precious little ones.” Donating Through Grief: Amy and Bryson Anderson’s Story

Bereaved donors hold a special place in our hearts. If you are here because you lost your baby or someone you know has lost her baby, please accept our deepest sympathies.

While donating milk after losing a beloved pregnancy or infant is not right for everyone, many mothers find meaning and comfort in knowing that their milk can be used to save the life of another child imp source. If a mother wants to be sure that a baby receives her milk, then she will be screened to ensure her donor eligibility; if she prefers to avoid any screening, then her milk might still be used for research. Any amount of milk is greatly appreciated and our trained lactation consultants provide support to bereaved donors in every step of the process.

Once a mother becomes a donor, her baby’s name is placed on a leaf on a special memorial tree quilt in our office. We have a special series of blog posts where bereaved donors share their experiences and publicly memorialize their babies. Bereaved donors may also join our secret Facebook group to connect with others, if they choose.  

If you are ready to provide some basic information for a phone screening, call us at 617-527-6263 ext. 3. 

If you would like to share your experience as a bereaved donor on our blog or find out more about our memorial quilt or Facebook group, please contact our Donor Intake team.

If you are a healthcare provider supporting a mother who might want to donate, please read our Bereavement FAQ. 

Key Supporters

Maternal Healthy Equity Grant Recipient logo
Yale Appliance logo
Davis Family Foundation logo
Aria Covey Foundation logo
Massachusetts Foundation logo