Two births, two hospitals, one milk bank


Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast provides donor milk to a wide range of New Hampshire hospitals, from small community birth places to major regional medical centers. As a result, many families in that state are fortunate to have access to donor milk regardless of their circumstances.

Although I had two very different births at different hospitals, Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast provided donor milk for both of my babies, which was an incredible relief. With my firstborn, I went into labor on my due date, but hemorrhaged, and struggled greatly with my supply. Because of the donor milk freezer at Concord Hospital, my baby received donor milk right away while we waited for my own milk to come in.

With my second, my water unexpectedly broke at 31 weeks and we were admitted to Dartmouth-Hitchcock in Lebanon, followed by an emergency cesarean section under general anesthesia at 32 weeks.  Once again, the donor milk freezer in the Intensive Care Nursery at Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock was such a blessing to us as my body healed and I regained my own milk supply.  Preemies especially need such vital nourishment! I will be forever grateful for all of the milk they each received from so many generous mothers.

Key Supporters

Maternal Healthy Equity Grant Recipient logo
Yale Appliance logo
Davis Family Foundation logo
Aria Covey Foundation logo
Massachusetts Foundation logo