“I was in such a negative space when we lost Bennett. Donating his milk to babies in need felt like a way to add something positive. It made me feel connected to him, like his life meant something. It’s really his gift to others.” – Bereaved Milk Donor, Savannah
“It was a gift that Evie would have wanted me to make. Donating was a way to show my daughter how much I love her. I understand what it’s like for families who are scared and need help. I don’t have a lot to give but I have this,” – Bereaved Milk Donor, Caelah-Beth
“I feel truly blessed to have been able to help nurture and protect so many fragile little lives. I’m also incredibly thankful for Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast and the service they provide – not only to babies but to mothers who are faced with the harsh reality of returning home from the hospital with empty arms”. – Bereaved Milk Donor, Letitia.
Bereaved donors hold a very special place in our hearts. If you are here because you lost your baby or someone you know has lost their baby, please accept our deepest sympathies.
While donating milk after losing a beloved pregnancy or infant is not right for everyone, many find meaning and comfort in knowing that their milk can be used to save the life of another child.
Bereaved Donors – What to Know:
- Any amount of milk is a gift and greatly appreciated.imp sou
- All milk donors must first undergo a standard health screening to ensure eligibility. Trauma-informed, our donor intake team is here to provide support every step of the way.
For those who’d like to know more about donating after loss, please click here.
If you are ready to begin the process of becoming a milk donor, want to share your experience or learn more about our memorial quilt, please call (617-527-6263 ext. 3) or email our donor intake team.