Little Milk Donor, Lucas

Little milk donor, Lucas

Follow us on Facebook? How about Instagram? Then you know that we love catching up with and sharing stories from our community. And with August being National Breastfeeding Month, we’re thrilled to feature Jessica. A mama who truly understands the meaning of “it takes a village,” you might remember Jessica from this post. Together with her adorable son, Lucas (and the support of both husband Shayne and Golden Retriever Oliver) she’s been donating milk to help newborns in need grow and thrive . . .

On learning about Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast . . .

Shortly after giving birth to my son, Lucas, I was looking into the various resources for moms in the area. It was then that I stumbled across the milk bank. I wasn’t at all familiar with the idea of donor milk but I immediately wanted to know more.

On making the decision to donate milk to an accredited non-profit milk bank . . .

At first I was just curious about the concept and process of donating milk. I was lucky enough to have an oversupply throughout my breastfeeding journey. As I continued reading more about milk donation, I realized there was an opportunity for me to make a difference for families in need.

The more I talked about potentially becoming a donor, the more I began hearing from close friends who actually relied on donor milk for a time. Friends who had both NICU and non-NICU babies. This was a huge eye opener for me. Suddenly, the concept and importance of milk donation felt “closer to home.” I could now “put a face to” the many mothers and babies I’d be helping.

On the experience of donating milk . . .

It’s amazing to think about the difference Lucas and I have made this past year. Knowing our milk has helped comfort and support so many families (often those going through an extremely difficult time) is something we’re very proud of. We really love this mission and are so glad to be a part of it.

On our community of milk donors and potential milk donors . . .

If you’re in a position to donate, I would absolutely recommend it. It’s such a unique and special way to give back. A way that makes a bigger difference for families than you can even imagine. If it’s not for you or doesn’t work out for some reason, consider just spreading the word. Awareness matters.

As for all you active donors, cheers to you – there’s so much to be proud of!

On the incredible value of having a supportive breastfeeding partner . . .

My husband Shayne is an extremely hands-on dad and for that we’re forever grateful. Between memorizing storage and warming guidelines, cleaning what feels like 500 parts of our breast pump, keeping track of our milk stash in three different freezers (because what if one breaks?) and so much more, he’s learned and mastered all aspects of being a supportive breastfeeding partner.

Everyone needs and deserves someone they can rely on – especially as new parents. I feel very lucky.

On mom life – and the many surprises that entails . . .

Every day is a new surprise! Just kidding! On a more serious note, I knew motherhood was going to be tough physically. I tried to prepare myself for that, but what I didn’t prepare for is just how many emotions you feel every day. Learning all these new things and figuring out how to keep a tiny human alive? It’s really tough – mentally and emotionally. At the same time, you have so much love for this new little person and that’s all you can think about.

On life lately . . .

Together, Lucas and I have packed up a whole lot of liquid love for families in need. With our journey as milk donors coming to an end soon, I’ll really miss these moments with my little assistant. Thankfully, we have lots of great memories (photos too!) and we’re excited to make even more.

Loving all things strawberry and broccoli (not to mention chasing around after Oliver – he thinks he’s part dog sometimes!) Lucas has been giggling his way through the summer. And with fall just around the corner, we’re excited to see even more of those adorable smiles.

Milk donor, recipient, or dedicated milk bank fan? We’d love to hear from you! Whether you’re interested in sharing your story or just a few quick words, feel free to message us at As for photos? We’re a “the more the merrier” kind of team.

Lucas donates milk for babies in need
Smiling little boy sitting with his dog
Smiling family among the fall foliage

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