When you donate milk to an accredited non-profit like Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast, you not only help feed healthy full-term infants, but babies born too early or too sick to safely consume anything other than human milk, babies without a maternal milk supply, and babies fighting for their lives in a hospital NICU.
“Breastfeeding is a lot of work, but onboarding as a milk donor? That was a breeze.” ~ Lindsay S.
Donate milk in four easy steps:
- Complete a 15-minute phone screening
- Complete paperwork online.
- Complete a blood test (we cover all costs)
- Send us your milk (we cover all costs)
Please Note: our screening usually takes 2 – 3 weeks to complete.
You may be eligible to donate milk if:
- You are in good health.
- Your breast milk was frozen within 96 hours of being expressed.
- You plan to donate a minimum of 100 ounces (there is no minimum for bereaved donors).
- You do not smoke/vape tobacco or nicotine products, or use recreational substances (including cannabis).
- You consume alcohol in moderation. (Our guideline is very conservative – please reach out with any questions).
- You and/or any sexual partner(s) are not being treated for infectious diseases (HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, etc.).
- You are only using medications and/or supplements approved for use by milk donors. Simply list these on our secure pre-screening form, and we’ll let you know if they are approved.
- You have excess breast milk (i.e., more than your own baby needs). Bereaved parents and surrogates/gestational carriers are welcome to become breast milk donors.
“I feel blessed to have helped nurture and protect so many little lives. I’m incredibly thankful for Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast and the service they provide – not only to babies but to mothers who are faced with the harsh reality of returning home from the hospital with empty arms.” ~ Letitia S.
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Can’t find what you’re looking for? Feel free to call us at 617-527-6263 x3 or shoot us an email at donate@milkbankne.org. When emailing our Donor Screening & Engagement team, please include:
- Your name and phone number
- Whether you already have milk stored for donation
- Any questions you may have
Please be prepared to tell us about any medications and/or supplements you are currently taking or have taken while expressing milk.