Pasteurized Human Donor Milk
Mothers Milk Bank Northeast Our non-profit milk bank based in Newton, MA.
Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA) Our accrediting agency
Milk Banking 101 Consider this your milk banking cheat sheet. Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast, this PDF answers all of your questions and then some. Serving multiple audiences, our partners (from hospitals to depots and more) may find this helpful.
How To: Store, Thaw & Warm Donor Milk We keep it simple, so you can keep it safe.
Note: As a non-profit committed to providing equitable access to safe, pasteurized donor human milk, we’re proud to offer key educational materials in several different languages. Click here to access our Milk Banking 101 and How To: Store, Thaw & Warm Donor Milk handouts in English, French, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Haitian Creole, Vietnamese, and more.
Lactation Support
ZipMilk Lactation support resources in many states organized by zip code
Public IBCLC Certification Registry Directory of IBCLCs available in multiple languages
Infant and Maternal Health
March of Dimes working to improve the health of all moms and babies
World Health Organization on Maternal and Infant Health Fact sheets, Q&As, databases, tools and more
Center for Disease Control and Prevention on Maternal and Infant Health Science-backed data and statistics shared in the promotion of improved maternal and infant health
Women, Infants, & Children Nutrition Program (WIC) is a nutrition program that provides healthy foods, nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and referrals to healthcare and other services, free of charge, to Massachusetts families who qualify.
Postpartum Support
Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance (MMHLA) Webinars, fact sheets, community support and a national maternal health hotline (1-833-TLC-MAMA or 1-833-852-6262) manned by certified peer specialists. Translation services available in 60 languages
Postpartum Support International Highly recommended for virtual groups, a helpline available in both Spanish and English (1-800-944-4773) and other resources
Necrotizing Enterocolitis or NEC
NEC Society Non-profit dedicated to building a world without NEC through research, advocacy and education. Support available for clinicians, families and more. Multiple languages supported.
Bereavement Support
Milk Donation After Loss A PDF created in collaboration with our team of trauma-informed donor intake specialists. Provides an overview of the donation process as well as a list of trusted organizations and hotlines.
Empty Arms Resources, peer groups and one-on-one support for those who have experienced a miscarriage, stillbirth, termination for medical reasons, or infant loss.
The Tears Foundation Lifting the financial burden from families who have lost a child by providing funds to assist with burial or cremation costs. Comprehensive bereavement care provided via grief support groups and peer companions. Nationwide with numerous local chapters.
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Providing the gift of remembrance portraits to parents experiencing the death of a baby.
Lactation After Loss From Kellymom Resources for mothers who are lactating and/or weaning following the loss of a child
NICU Support
Hand to Hold A national non-profit providing personalized emotional support & resources to parents before, during and after NICU at no cost to families. English and Spanish speaking.
March of Dimes NICU Support Partners with more than 79 hospitals, as well as neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) and families, to improve the patient experience through education, program initiatives, and strategic partnerships. Complimentary resources available for all families.
Peek a Boo ICU Created by a NICU RN, this site strives to empower the ICU parent via an online forum. Info and resources for parents and family members also provided.
Project Sweet Peas A non-profit coordinated by volunteers who (due to personal experience) are passionate about supporting families of premature or sick infants. Support provided for those affected by pregnancy and infant loss.