Becoming a Breast Milk Donor: An Unexpected Honor

Wondering why and how to donate milk? Read this moving and informative blog on the Acelleron website by milk donor Jacqui Penda, a mom, doula, and Customer Care Specialist at Acelleron, which manages milk depots for us in Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts. Thanks to the whole Acelleron staff for supporting families and spreading the word about milk donation!

My story begins when my oldest son, Dylan, was born on August 8, 2013. Like many first-time mamas, I had researched the extensive benefits of breast milk. Aside from the plethora of information available on the topic, breastfeeding was just something I had always wanted to try for myself and for my baby. After all, I had been planning for motherhood since I was 4 years old. Read more . . . 

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