Personal Stories

Baby Adelaide

Baby Adelaide’s Legacy – Finding Purpose in Pain

Planning and preparing for baby . . . We were so excited to find out we were pregnant. My husband Christian and I each had two children from a previous relationship.... More > about Baby Adelaide’s Legacy – Finding Purpose in Pain

Donated By Who? Donor Milk & The Fight For Life

Just 28 weeks and 2 lbs. . . . Jodi was slowly coming out of the haze from the drugs she had required while doctors... More > about Donated By Who? Donor Milk & The Fight For Life

Pumping & Paying It Forward

Pumping and paying it forward! Speaking with and sharing milk donor Andrea’s story . . . On those New England roots . . . I’m... More > about Pumping & Paying It Forward

Evie – Honoring A Beautiful Life

Bittersweet moments with Evie . . . The first time Caelah-Beth and Landon got to hold their beautiful daughter Evie, she was five weeks and... More > about Evie – Honoring A Beautiful Life

Meet Meghan, A NICU Nurse & Milk Donor

Originally featured on Heart & Science, we’re thrilled to share Meghan’s story. Read on to meet the NICU nurse, milk donor and hero to many... More > about Meet Meghan, A NICU Nurse & Milk Donor

Tiny Future Linebacker, TyQuell

Introducing TyQuell . . . Baby TyQuell came into the world early and small. Born at 24 weeks, he weighed just 1 lb., 11oz.. As... More > about Tiny Future Linebacker, TyQuell

Key Supporters

Maternal Healthy Equity Grant Recipient logo
Yale Appliance logo
Davis Family Foundation logo
Aria Covey Foundation logo
Massachusetts Foundation logo