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Brazil and world human milk donation day

Brazil & World Human Milk Donation Day

May 19 is celebrated annually as World Human Milk Donation Day. Originating in Brazil in 2004, this day was created to promote the importance of donating human milk to non-profit milk banks. Needless... More > about Brazil & World Human Milk Donation Day

NEC & The Lifesaving Power Of Milk Banks

Necrotizing enterocolitis – an illness as complex as it is devastating . . . With most of our donor milk going to premature and medically... More > about NEC & The Lifesaving Power Of Milk Banks

Pumping & Paying It Forward

Pumping and paying it forward! Speaking with and sharing milk donor Andrea’s story . . . On those New England roots . . . I’m... More > about Pumping & Paying It Forward

Human Milk Safety, Science & Health – The Nonprofit Difference

Safety, science and health – what sets the nonprofit milk bank apart . . . “Every day is about making 100% sure that the pasteurized... More > about Human Milk Safety, Science & Health – The Nonprofit Difference

Advancing Health Equity In Breastfeeding

Announcing new partnerships to advance health equity in breastfeeding . . . We’re thrilled to announce three new partnerships with Massachusetts based healthcare providers seeking... More > about Advancing Health Equity In Breastfeeding

Evie – Honoring A Beautiful Life

Bittersweet moments with Evie . . . The first time Caelah-Beth and Landon got to hold their beautiful daughter Evie, she was five weeks and... More > about Evie – Honoring A Beautiful Life

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