Start Strong – 5 Tips For Your Breastfeeding Journey

Becoming a parent? It’s a whirlwind of excitement, joy, and, yes, stress. While much attention is given to preparing for birth, what follows (caring for a brand-new little life) is often overlooked. For many new parents, infant feeding is one of the largest sources of concern. Serving premature and medically fragile babies, as well as healthy full-term infants (typically those who need a little donor milk while mom is building up her supply), we understand how challenging this journey can be.

The good news? You’re not alone. There are countless resources, organizations such as ours, and experts out there to help set you up for success. In fact, today, Danielle Donovan, IBCLC, and founder of Latched at First Sight, is generously sharing five practical tips for establishing and maintaining a strong milk supply. Read on for help navigating those early—and not-so-early—days of your journey.

Getting started, the breastfeeding journey . . .

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice and does not replace your feeding plan with your medical team. 

There are so many thoughts running through your mind when expecting a little one: “How will my pregnancy go?” “What will my labor and delivery be like?” “Is my house ready?” “Is the car seat installed correctly?” “Will I have enough milk?” These are all common and normal thoughts for expectant parents. I experienced the same as I prepared for each of my daughters. As an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), I can tell you that these tips helped me – and they will help you as you embark on your own breastfeeding journey.

Breastfeeding – one of the most natural but unnatural things you will ever do . . .

You may think, “Breastfeeding is natural. The baby should latch perfectly, and my body will have plenty of milk.” However, every feeding journey has its ups and downs. Getting the perfect latch doesn’t always happen as quickly as you might hope. It takes time. You and your little one are learning a new skill. That requires practice – and patience. Give yourself grace and time.

The Foundation of a Successful Breastfeeding Journey? Early and frequent stimulation . . .

Milk supply? It’s all about demand! More breast stimulation means more signals for your body to produce milk. Babies typically feed every 2-3 hours, day and night. The first few weeks are especially crucial for any breastfeeding journey. Putting your baby to the breast or pumping at least every three hours will help establish your milk supply.

Watch your baby – not the clock . . .

In other words, watch for your little one’s feeding cues, which you’ll learn over time. When those cues appear, offer a feeding. Again, babies typically eat every 2-3 hours. If your little one hasn’t eaten by the 3-hour mark, wake them up for a feeding.

As a reminder, feeding times are recorded from the start of the last feed, not when it ended. For example, if you fed your baby at 9 a.m., the next meal time should begin at 12 p.m. That said, if your little one is showing signs of hunger and it’s only been an hour, go ahead and offer a feeding.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate . . .

As you begin your breastfeeding journey, be sure to stay hydrated. Remember, breastmilk is almost 90% water. When expressing milk, it’s recommended that you drink around 16 cups (128 oz) of water a day. An easy way to think of it? You need to drink and refill that 32 oz Stanley bottle 4 times.

As you nourish your baby, remember to nourish yourself. Keep water and snacks nearby while you’re feeding baby so you can easily hydrate and refuel.

Night feedings are crucial . . .

Ever wonder why babies tend to eat more at night? It’s because prolactin, the milk-making hormone, is highest at night. Research indicates that babies consume about 20% of their feeds during the night. If your goal is to establish a full milk supply, try not to go more than 4 hours between feedings and breast stimulation. And remember, your milk production and supply can take 6-12 weeks to establish.

Remember, this is your feeding journey . . .

Finally, remember that this is your feeding journey. What works for you and your family is what matters most. These suggestions are here to guide you in building and maintaining a strong milk supply, but they are not absolute musts. Whatever path you choose, know that support is available every step of the way – and you deserve it.

Before you go . . .

Huge thanks to Danielle for not only sharing these helpful tips but for choosing to donate the gift of her milk to Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast – every precious drop makes a lasting impact. Want to connect with or learn more from Danielle and her team? Visit Latched at First Sight. And if you’re ready to help save little lives, find out more about becoming one of our milk-donor heroes here.

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