
NICU warrior Idris and family

From NICU Warrior To Explorer

Excited to meet her son, Jamie went into labor on a quiet Friday evening. Fast forward (or not) 42 hours and little Idris made his much-anticipated world debut. Sadly, it wasn’t long before... More > about From NICU Warrior To Explorer

Breastfeeding – It’s A Journey

Breastfeeding – it’s a journey and sometimes that journey is a little difficult . . . Dealing with gestational hypertension and increased monitoring for pre-eclampsia,... More > about Breastfeeding – It’s A Journey

Human Milk And Father’s Day Plans

Human milk, useless nipples, and Father’s Day plans . . . It was just last year that Katie and Sean became the exceptionally proud parents... More > about Human Milk And Father’s Day Plans

NEC – Everything You Should Know

NEC – a complex (and all too common) condition . . . More formally known as Necrotizing Enterocolitis, NEC is an intestinal disease that primarily... More > about NEC – Everything You Should Know

Fathers’ Perspectives on Donor Milk

In honor of Father’s Day, we asked fathers whose partners donated or who received milk to provide their perspectives. Here are their thoughts: Domenic Salvemini... More > about Fathers’ Perspectives on Donor Milk

Nicki’s NICU Warrior Comes Full Circle

Nicki tells the story of her little NICU warrior, Demitri, coming full circle from receiving to donating milk. On January 29, 2021, I went in... More > about Nicki’s NICU Warrior Comes Full Circle

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