
Bikers for Babies empty the tank for the milk bank

Bikers for Babies Empty the Tank for the Milk Bank

In an event dubbed “Empty the Tank for the Milk Bank,” our Bikers for Babies delivered 1,775 ounces of milk to the milk bank from our depot at ProHealth Physicians –... More > about Bikers for Babies Empty the Tank for the Milk Bank

Meet Our Donor Intake Team

“The Donor Intake Coordinators on staff were excellent at answering questions throughout the process … They do their due diligence to make sure donor milk... More > about Meet Our Donor Intake Team

Portland Donor Milk Depot and Dispensary Opens with Over 1,600 Ounces in Milk Donations

A new Portland donor milk depot and dispensary opened in a festive celebration, with six families donating a total of over 1,600 ounces of milk.... More > about Portland Donor Milk Depot and Dispensary Opens with Over 1,600 Ounces in Milk Donations

Five Easy Ways to Take the Best Milk Donation Photos

5/14/21 Staff News
By Mira Whiting Hey there! I’m Mira, mom of three and former Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast milk donor. I’m also a professional photographer and I’m... More > about Five Easy Ways to Take the Best Milk Donation Photos

Lab Professionals Week 2021: Meet Our Lab Staff

In honor of Lab Professionals Week, we decided to spotlight our amazing and talented pasteurization laboratory staff. They all bring unique specialties to the table... More > about Lab Professionals Week 2021: Meet Our Lab Staff

2020 By the Numbers: Growth and Flexibility at the Milk Bank

3/9/21 Staff News
2020 was a year full of growth and flexibility at Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast—growth as we continued to supply lifesaving donor milk, and flexibility as... More > about 2020 By the Numbers: Growth and Flexibility at the Milk Bank

Key Supporters

Maternal Healthy Equity Grant Recipient logo
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Davis Family Foundation logo
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