donor milk
Milk Bank News Wrap: Formula Shortage
As a nonprofit with a mission to support families and babies, we are dismayed by the challenges parents are facing during this national infant formula shortage. While donor milk is primarily...
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Infant Formula Shortage Requires Reexamination of Infant Nutrition: Changing the Proportions of Human Milk to Formula
By Deborah C. Youngblood, PhD, Naomi Bromberg Bar-Yam PhD, and Emily Sylvester, MS, RD, LDN, IBCLC The COVID pandemic brought forth supply chain interruptions, resulting in...
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Boston Marathon 2022: Sights & Sounds from Team Preemie
In honor of this year’s Boston Marathon, Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast teamed up with Maureen, a nurse and experienced runner, and Nicki, a milk recipient...
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Happy to Have Persevered: Mary’s Milk Donation Story
Mary shares how she persevered through the challenges of her first pregnancies and discovered milk donation with her fourth. Thanks for agreeing to share your...
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BU Students’ Spring Break at the Milk Bank
On March 10, we welcomed seven Boston University students to complete volunteer work as part of their Alternative Service Break. As one of their “volunteer...
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Milk and Blood Donation: Spread the Word
When I was a child and young adult, Red Cross radio ads filled the air before Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day, July 4th, and Labor...
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