exclusive pumping

A mom's journey to help others through milk donation

Sam’s Journey: Helping Someone During the Pandemic

Hello! My name is Sam and I’m excited to share my journey with breastfeeding and milk donation. I am a special education teacher and have always wanted to be a mom.... More > about Sam’s Journey: Helping Someone During the Pandemic

Jacqueline’s Story: Exclusive Pumping Mom Navigates Lockdown

On the brink of the pandemic, Jacqueline, Rondeep, and Kali started their life together as a family, which has led them through exclusive pumping and... More > about Jacqueline’s Story: Exclusive Pumping Mom Navigates Lockdown

Second-time Mom Gives Back After Unexpected NICU Stay

By Kate Williams As a second-time mom, I thought I had it all figured out. After a “textbook delivery” and healthy recovery with my daughter... More > about Second-time Mom Gives Back After Unexpected NICU Stay

Key Supporters

Maternal Healthy Equity Grant Recipient logo
Yale Appliance logo
Davis Family Foundation logo
Aria Covey Foundation logo
Massachusetts Foundation logo