
Baby of lactation consultant with milk donation

Lactation Consultant Allison Becomes a Milk Donor

Our staff was excited to welcome lactation consultant and NICU nurse Allison Grinsell and baby Rayla to the milk bank one day when they dropped off their first donation. We asked... More > about Lactation Consultant Allison Becomes a Milk Donor

Nicki’s NICU Warrior Comes Full Circle

Nicki tells the story of her little NICU warrior, Demitri, coming full circle from receiving to donating milk. On January 29, 2021, I went in... More > about Nicki’s NICU Warrior Comes Full Circle

Sam’s Journey: Helping Someone During the Pandemic

Hello! My name is Sam and I’m excited to share my journey with breastfeeding and milk donation. I am a special education teacher and have... More > about Sam’s Journey: Helping Someone During the Pandemic

Stacey’s story: Milk donation as a family gift

10/29/20 Staff Donors
In March, a box of milk arrived decorated with stickers and messages—a special gift from Stacey and her family, decorated lovingly by little Zoe. It... More > about Stacey’s story: Milk donation as a family gift

Jacqueline’s Story: Exclusive Pumping Mom Navigates Lockdown

On the brink of the pandemic, Jacqueline, Rondeep, and Kali started their life together as a family, which has led them through exclusive pumping and... More > about Jacqueline’s Story: Exclusive Pumping Mom Navigates Lockdown

Key Supporters

Maternal Healthy Equity Grant Recipient logo
Yale Appliance logo
Davis Family Foundation logo
Aria Covey Foundation logo
Massachusetts Foundation logo