Personal Stories
Helping Babies in Honor of Hannah: Gina’s Story
Gina Healy tells her story of donating after loss, and helping babies in honor of her daughter Hannah. When I was pregnant with my first daughter Angelina in 2017, I began...
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Babies growing and giving: A milk donor family in photos
One of the most rewarding parts of working at Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast is seeing babies growing, whether they are preemies receiving milk or donor...
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Becoming a Breast Milk Donor: An Unexpected Honor
Wondering why and how to donate milk? Read this moving and informative blog on the Acelleron website by milk donor Jacqui Penda, a mom, doula,...
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Alex’s story: Two-time milk donor with oversupply helps preemies
Two-time milk donor Alex Carleton tagged us in an Instagram post where she talked about her oversupply and her commitment to helping preemies. We...
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Gidget’s Story: A New Jersey Nurse Gives Thanks Through Milk Donation
New Jersey nurse Gidget Romero was the first mom to donate milk to our new depot at Saint Barnabas Medical Center, where she works in...
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La Historia de Maria: Sorpresa de una Mamá Mexicana Durante sus Vacaciones
La mamá Mexicana María cuenta cómo una experiencia en sus vacaciones en New Hampshire la llevó a la donación de leche. Quiero contarles mi experiencia...
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